For as long as I can remember, I have been a planner. The joy I feel from seeing a vision come to life-even better than I saw it in my head, is unexplainable. As of right now, I’m still seeking help for my stationary and planner problem. I think I buy a new one every month. I know what you’re thinking..YES, I am still a paper girl in 2019. It’s just something about writing out what I have to do and seeing it as a whole on a calendar. Weird maybe, I’m aware… but my fellow planners out there know what I’m talking about.
I’m pretty sure acronyms aren’t cool anymore but I’m going to share mine anyway. Its cool to me…so… This is what I think about during my planning process.
Prepare for Your Purpose! Do your research. Purpose + Preparation = Opportunity. If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. Cliche’ I know, but its real. So many opportunities are missed because we aren’t prepared for it. Take some classes, buy some books, do the polls, and PRAY FOR CLARITY. It will come.
Listen to someone who has done it before. Grab you a mentor. Even if it’s a mentor in your head. Study their successes and their mistakes. But trust God to give you your own vision. Im forever grateful for my mentor! She saved me from driving down many bad roads. It also feels good and so encouraging to have someone who’s been there, believe in you! While we’re in the L’s.. Love It! If you love something, you'll protect it, nurture it, and take care of it so it can grow. If you don't love it, go back to the drawing board. The process to get there will bring a few trials, but your love for the goal will keep you on the right track.
Act! A dream will always stay a dream if you don't wake up and make it reality. Make It Happen! Procrastination is the devil and y’all…that devil tries to get me everyday! One way I defeat it is simply planning my ‘to do’ lists the night before for the next day. Make schedules to keep you on task. God gave you that idea to make this world better, not to stay in your head.
Never Give Up! ‘Singing…”Stoorms will come, this we know for sure, (this we know for sure.) Caan you stand the rain?” Listen, If God gave it to you, He will see it through. No matter what, keep pushing and stay grateful.

That’s all for now!
-Grow & Glow