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When You Step Out of Your Comfort Zone..... and it flops.

Writer's picture: Kimberly JonesKimberly Jones

I really am blessed to be able to do what I love. Many people have asked… “When did you know you wanted to open a dance studio?” And I always feel kind of bad/guilty when I say, “Ive always known.” Somehow, I felt like that was arrogant or insensitive to people who haven’t always known what they want to do with their life. Of course, that’s definitely not my intention. I just never thought anything was out of my reach. (Shoutout to my parents for that confidence. lol) To give you an example of my mindset, as a child, while watching ‘Barney’ or ‘The Mickey Mouse Club’ (MMC in my day), I would analyze the actors on the show and say things like, “When I get on the show, I’m going to take a different approach and perform my scenes like this..” Ha! The nerve of me. I just knew I would end up on the Disney Channel or PBS and no one could tell me otherwise.

Sidenote: As adults, we should still have this mindset. If there is something you want to do or be, you are the only one who decides how your life plays out. Just do it!

I have been teaching dance since I was 8 years old. Professionally, since I was 20. My point is, this is my comfort zone. I have always been bossy and I have always danced. Put me in a studio room, in front of people who want to learn, and I can do it with no problem. It’s not necessarily a stretch for me anymore. Where’s your comfort?

For example, I know my testimony will help a lot of people. And honestly, I would really LOVE to travel and speak more. I love people! I love sharing my story and watching the spark in someone’s eyes when they are sharing their goals and dreams with me. However, just because I desire it and I believe that this is the will of the Lord, doesn’t mean I am comfortable with it. If I have to get up in front of people and talk about my dancers- that’s no problem! But getting up in front of people and sharing my experiences so they can bypass some of the obstacles I had to overcome to get where I am- that’s different. I’m definitely down with the idea of it…but the process, and ACTUALLY DOING IT freaks me out. But I am still trusting God.

These past few years, I know God has been moving me in a different direction.. to do more. My purpose is expanding. The thing is, this new thing- is NEW! I mean….God…I’m not used to doing this. This is definitely not within my comfort level. I feel like I’m starting over, and I do not like this feeling. Of course, my confidence is in God because I know there is NO WAY I can do anything (especially something Im not used to) without Him.

I recently had an opportunity to do one of the ‘new things’ and it was good, but I froze up a few times and didn’t respond in my best light. As a result, I let those few moments discourage me. I felt like a total failure! (Y’all know I’m dramatic.) I felt stupid, embarrassed, and I started questioning God. Like… are you sure this is the direction you want me to go? Maybe I’m in my flesh… Well, God got me right on together. This is what I learned when I stepped out of my comfort zone…and it flopped:

1. Girl, it did NOT flop! Everything is a learning experience. Thank God for the opportunity to grow and expand. This is only the beginning.

2. Girl, It is not about YOU! Your purpose is never about you. It’s about what you can contribute to the world to make it better.

3. You are your own worst critic. It most likely wasn’t as bad as you’re thinking. But even if it was, acknowledge what you did that you didn’t like, and seek God about how you can approach it better.

4. God did not leave you hanging! You just didn’t trust Him enough to pull you through. As a result, you started walking in self, instead of walking by faith. It’s easy to get caught up in the fact that God chose YOU to carry out a vision. (Refer back to #2) But you can not lose sight of Him. Like when Peter walked on water… you can do ANYTHING if you keep your eyes on Jesus.

5. The discouragement is a trick of the enemy, DUH!! Call it out, and keep it moving. When you have purpose and a calling, you will face things. The enemy will try anything to stall your progress and mission. Keep going!! Don’t let it stop you.

6. This is the start of something GREAT!! Celebrate the fact that God is opening doors for you to be able to touch more people and have greater impact. Let His will be done.

Let’s Get It! Keep Going, Keep Growing, Keep Glowing!


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