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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Jones

5 Steps to Authentic Joy!

  1. 1. Gratitude is the Secret Sauce

Wherever you are in life right now, be grateful. Be thankful for every. single. thing. When you take the time to stop and just say thank you, it shows you are ready for more. Don't take anything for granted because you don't want to be the one 'not missing it, until it's gone.' Gratitude also shows maturity and humbleness. If God can trust you with this, He will definitely bless you with the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4 (My fav). Now gratitude does not equate to settling. Continue to set goals and strive for more, but be grateful and enjoy the journey. Gratitude is also giving! It gives peace, kindness, and awareness.

2. Self-Awareness is Self-Care

You must get to know YOU. What do YOU really like? Who is that person that makes you feel weird when you are around them? Why do you keep putting yourself in the same situations if it's not being kind to your spirit? Getting to know yourself takes time. But once you hone in how you really feel-without input from others- then you will be able to create a more peaceful life. Which brings us to the next step:

3. Set Boundaries!

Say No when you need to say No! It's like having a budget for your life. If you spend too much of yourself, you will be poor...and you won't be valuable to anyone. Once you become more self aware of your time, energy, mental health, and value, you will be able to block out your time. I'm not telling you to be overly selfish, but be aware of how much of yourself you can give without being spent totally. You have to still have energy to do something that will bring you joy.

4. Consistently Operate in Excellence.

Whatever your gift is to the world, do it with excellence. Work on it consistently to become a beast at it. You were not made to be mediocre. Be consistent in your friendships. Keep your word. Don't half-step anything. When you do all you can to be great, you will be happy with the results. And being proud of yourself for doing the best you can, will bring you joy.

5. Surround Yourself with Love!

If being around your family and the people you love brings you joy, make the time for them. Make time for love. If you love nature, put walks in your schedule. Sometimes we get so busy with life, that we forget to put love on our schedule. If we don't make time for what we love, who we love, and where we love, love will ease out of our life. Then we will find ourselves becoming cold and robotic- just going through the motions of life. But don't let that happen. Surround yourself with all of the love!

Hope I said something to help! There are plenty more steps, but this will get you started! Love you! Grow & Glow!


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